Oleg Dou | Inspire We Trust

Oleg Dou

Today for the photography category I want to share with you the work of an artist that worries me. Parlo di Oleg Dou e della sua produzione artistica che ufficialmente appartiene alla branca della fotografia ...
The standards of beauty

The standards of beauty

Beauty, photoshop and photo editing.. that is the art of looking what you are not. Needless to say on this subject you could unleash an endless controversy. Many think it is shameful change ...
Know Where You Stand

Know Where You Stand

It's called "Know Where You Stand" and it's a very interesting portrayal of our history. Opera great American photographer Seth Taras who recovered the original film clips and photographs of...
Masaki Mizuno | Inspire we trust

Masaki Mizuno

Yesterday on Vimeo I found an interesting video that has left me enchanted, fascinated and stunned. The video that I propose, and its portfolio, to watch and to inspire you is an artist already...