Today we speak of Japan, I know that if we would work to say and to comment until the end of our days, but this time we speak of watercolour. Stavo per preparare l'articolo “Watercolour we t...

Surreal green apple sauce

Digital technology in the service of Art. Apparently the editing reigns undisputed master. If you are real traditionalists opt for Photoshop, If you are new technologies that make it easier ...

Tumbling into the Rabbit Hole

For those who like Alice in Wonderland? Virtually all. I don't know the person who has not read the book at least once, or view the famous Disney cartoon. When I was little, at the age of 10 years approx., I was given the book ...


This summer, walking through an alley in the Centre of Brussels I came across a huge library crammed full of comics of all kinds, illustration books, prints and so on and so forth. In one of the showcases of securities wedges and animals from sgua...

Watercolours of Petra

I fell in love with .... not a person but a way of doing illustration. Then to clarify this post reflects, without even too many compliments, What about watercolor (watercolor we trust)...