Oleg Dou | Inspire We Trust

Oleg Dou

Today for the photography category I want to share with you the work of an artist that worries me. Parlo di Oleg Dou e della sua produzione artistica che ufficialmente appartiene alla branca della fotografia ...
Know Where You Stand

Know Where You Stand

It's called "Know Where You Stand" and it's a very interesting portrayal of our history. Opera fantastica del fotografo americano Seth Taras che ha recuperato spezzoni di film originali e fotografie dell'epoca della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e le ha rip...

David Johnson and the long exposure

Happy new year and Good 2014! I would like this article to wish you a wonderful year full of inspiration. Whether you are design lovers, graphical or DIY thanks for following this blog delusional especially now that has graphics n...