Cybèle Young creates paper sculptures in miniature that change, they evolve and eventually change their shape from a common object fantastic creature of another world.
A simple tool like paper may represent more than a medium to write or draw, it can even transform into a three-dimensional material and changing its state. Can animate and change its state from ordinary to extra-ordinary, from common to great.
I find it very interesting the artist Cybèle Young because, besides owning an impressive technique and accuracy, she's also very creative in the complicated art of transformation of everyday objects. For her, the days pass according to paper folding, cut out and rolled to give meaning to her sculptures.
Canadian sculptress uses fine Japanese paper to make sculptures that are real visual poems. Objects that proposes in her visionary sculptures can be real and commonly used as abstract and the metamorphosis is the element that unites them.
Here's what she says about her work:
My practice consists of making miniature sculptures from fine Japanese papers, some of which are embellished using etchings and other media. I create exact miniature replicas of real life objects and abstract shapes. Before the sculptures are sequestered to life under glass, I often animate their moving parts in stop motion film works, offering clues to their fictional history.
Engaging with abstract and familiar motifs, The sculptures juxtapose to create a sense of dialogue or play between them. I approach my work in series and components, ultimately building an ongoing inventory of personal experience and observation.
Basically every small sculpture tells a story that is composed of a transition from real to the fantastic: a small blue umbrella ends up being a jellyfish that floats in the infinite. The objects come to life and mutate in the skilled hands of Cybèle, acquire a new life and allows the viewer to catapult into another universe more creative and fantastic.
See the work by Cybèle Young.
I have a real passion for paper and I find very interesting artists who use it to create objects or sculptures, check out The Makerie Studio and Christian Tagliavini and learn how paper can be used also in commercial or fashion.
Sure… they are just two different fields but it is very interesting to discover how artists use these material for exceptional results.
I recommend you let me know what you think.
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