I wanted to write this article for quite some time and talk about the advertising that can change someone's life. The concept of advertising in Italy is a bit different from what we see in other parts of the world and I think it is a good practice to show inspiration, not only artistic but also, for the mind to change the way we think.
That's why I wanted to collect 20 shocking examples of advertising that are intended to awaken our conscience and give a nice slap in the face.
I don't know you, but I never seen these advertisements flipping through Italian magazines. At most I've crossed one of the advertising Amnesty International, But beyond that I can't say I saw more.
Thankfully the world of the web is in constant leaven and shows a large collection of social inspiration from around the world.
In return I see a lot of advertising of high fashion and cosmetics, food and all kinds of discounts (of course there is a crisis…), few important issues such as violence against women or the mistreatment of animals, little awareness about safety in cars and maybe this is why I continue to see people talking on the cell phone when driving.
The projects you see here are made by agencies around the world who engage in showing social issues of great relevance with a visual power that leaves us flabbergasted, upsets for the rawness and at the same time, hopefully, raises awareness on the issues in question.
The well-known English advertising executive David Ogilvy once said:
“Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest—it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes.”
I don't know you, but I agree with this statement. Why I'm leaving you this collection of advertisements with a social issue.
20 Examples of advertising that should be shocking to change the way we think

Liking “Like” is not helping

When you see a tuna thinks a panda!
What do you think?
Sure, I agree that these advertisements are strong and may offend the sensibilities of someone, but do not you think that serve to make people think and raise awareness on social issues?
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