Spring in Japan is an event to be seen at all costs. As I see it Japan is really an inexhaustible source of inspiration for both modernity and rooted passion of tradition. Everything seems magical in Japan with a deep spiritual vein that you must discover over time.
Unfortunately for those like me who cannot yet discover the land of the rising sun we have to dream it and enjoy the beautiful photographs that attest to the magic.
As you might guess from the title, in Japan, spring is celebrated as an extraordinary event and noteworthy, not only the Japanese but also nature lovers.
In spring, cherry trees are in bloom, that in Japan are grown more for their aesthetic value than for other (in fact those who see not the cherry trees that give fruit). These flowers have a short life and plants bloom at different times depending on latitude.
The event is defined Hanami (and literally “admire the flowers”) and it is a real and profound beauty and so spectacular that for centuries is awaited with trepidation. The Japanese, families, friends and co-workers, celebrate the cherry blossom migrating in city parks with picnic baskets filled with goodies of traditional Japanese cuisine.
To get an idea of how the atmosphere I post the video by Egawauemon found via the blog Marco Togni. It's not exactly like being there but there is very close.
If you love photography then here are some of the most beautiful photographs that celebrate the blossoming of cherry trees throughout Japan.
Springtime in Japan
Takahiro Uranus
Kazuhito Sakai
Yasunari Nakamura
Edouard Boubat
Yoshihiro Ogawa
Tom Hardy
Abdullah Al-Zaidan
Joseph Tame
Teruhide Tomori
阪口 幸雄
This is not the first time that post photographs on Japan dedicated to the event Hanami. If you have never read these articles on this blog I suggest you watch them, find them here:
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