Can the red color convey a sense of peace, of calm, of tranquility? Personally I don't think, I find it too powerful, possessive, extreme to give an image of relaxed calmness. According to the Spanish painter Salustiano Garcia Cruz, this intense and almost violent Red is the color best suited, as infinite background to emphasize to the faces of the models. His subjects remain motionless in a world of endless Red, turned towards the viewer and look. Silent but speak.
Speak with eyes, with the expression incredibly serene, they are absolutely atemporal, do not have a precise historical moment of reference. They aren't making certain actions, they do not speak a particular language. They are like a modern form of Renaissance Italian. Transcendental and beautiful.
Bodies and faces are detailed, colorful, but the traits that the painter chooses to use are muted, just mentioned, thin, stretch. They are still very powerful and enigmatic for the use of that powerful Red as a background, it's off the face of the subject but it enhances, while the background flattens, at the same time rejects bringing it towards the Viewer.
“I’m interested in atemporal and serene faces, with a generous expression in the mouth and a transparent gaze. I want it to have the appearance of eternity”
“I have never been interested in ‘the subject’, there is no narrative line in my works. My paintings don’t try to ‘tell something’, they are just supposed to cause a sensation in the spectator. I try to deeply touch the viewer. It’s a really calculated work, but it pursues an emotional purpose”.
In his philisophy color plays a very important role. For me the Red is the color of the tension, pain or passion, but for the artist is also the color of blood, religion and the chosen one, one who has a message.
Artistic production of Salustiano Garcia Cruz offers three reading keys, the Red it's definitely series that attracts more the Viewer, but from the point of view is the White the first series in which engages. White figures on a white background. And then black on Black.
Read the interview with the Spanish artist created by Carolina Lara on the site Visit homepage of Salustiano Garcia Cruz.
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