There you do hair in shower? I know the question is disturbing. I know what you are thinking “So where she would like to go…” the answer is: rethink the materials in an alternative way. I usually forget everything, objects of various kinds and sometimes even what I'm saying… let alone the hair in the shower. It is not a nice stuff but it's that sort of thing that you forget light-heartedly and it feels even a clear conscience if you is criticized.
It is usually so until someone screams behind me that I have to clean (rightly). I bet it happens to you, especially if you live with someone.
However I know that expect the creative breakthrough, since there is not even we talk about… so to give you full satisfaction I present Kerry Howley: the one who creates necklaces with hair.
Ok so this is fetish and sucks like few things in the world, but in reality the sense is much more interesting than it seems. If I forget hair in the shower why do I have to put them on the neck? Who is would ever take the trouble to twist and spin the hair falling out?
Looking at the intricate designs created it cannot be certain that there is great work behind and certainly the material makes everything much more complicated since the fragility and the little malleability.
As inspiration or help design has used the pattern of a wallpaper by flavor, as you can see, very vintage from Victorian aftertaste. A nice mixture of cultures because between british flavour is added also the Eastern flavour. It seems that the hair used to create her jewels were donated (once cut) by a friend of the mother.
Therefore our Kerry is a jewellery designer who has focused her career, at one point, on the exploration of the relationship between matter and emotional response, attraction and repulsion. The best way to see what response is associated with a given material is to use a material really unusual.
What better than hair? When we have attached to the head are a source of pride and in some cases also gain, but when they are on the bottom of the bath or brush make a sudden revulsion and become garbage, however, something to get rid.
With a new and quite unusual hair find a new life and also a new personality becoming an unexpected decorative element, but can be real jewels?
As dramatic and high impact would you ever go around with a similar decoration on to the neck? I confess that I have some problem, so my answer is no. But you?
We can give new lustre and value to a waste material? Except for gold and precious metals, in general, When a material acquires value? Any material begins its life when it is used to get a result, when you need it to do something, when it's useful in short. That is why the objects that are composed of recycled materials have the famous added value, just because they does not waste second chances… In every possible way.
Who recycles (from the Bohemian artist who lives above the lines, the suburban mom with a carton of milk used entertains children and make real miracles) is officially the new hero of our times. Long live the lovers of creative recycling.
The site of the Howley and some articles about her.
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