Può un materiale semplice e antico come la ceramica essere ancora più affascinante? Oggi sono tantissimi gli artisti o designer che progettano secondo logiche di sperimentazione su questo materiale e di contaminazione con altri elementi, una di questi è una giovane designer israeliana di 25 anni che ha realizzato la collezione CeraMetal. Quindi senza indugi vi presento CeraMetal: intervista con la designer Einat Kirschner.
Personalmente preferisco lo stile minimal, total white, se ha forme inusuali e teatrali mi ha già conquistata al primo sguardo, se poi soddisfa anche il senso tattile per me ha fatto jackpot. Einat Kirschner recentemente diplomata presso Holon Institute of Technology (H.I.T) ad Israele ha realizzato una collezione dal nome CeraMetal, che devo dire mi ha conquistata subito. Non trovate che sembrino delle meravigliose contaminazioni naturali? Come se una forma di vita primordiale cercasse di dominare la materia pura. Il risultato è una spettacolare forma di prodotto a cavallo tra applicazione tecnica e arte.
CeraMetal: intervista con la designer Einat Kirschner
Q: Why did you choose to become a designer?
A: I’ve been passionate about art and design my whole life, so it was natural to make this my profession.
Q: What are your influences in design, which designers inspire you the most?
A: I like to look at the little things around us that are mostly overlooked and draw inspiration from them. In this project (CeraMetal) I was mainly influenced by Japanease design and the Wabi Sabi theory that claims that all things are incomplete, but are in a constant state of formation or decay.
Q: What is the best time of day to design?
A: No such thing. I design when I’m inspired which can happen at any time.
Q: Until now, what is the project that gave you the most satisfaction?
A: Besides “CeraMetal”, I think that would be my “LightGuard” lamp (here). It was done during my third year of studies. I took on a task which at the time felt way over my head and there was a big risk of failure. But luckily I insisted on going forward with it and after a lot of hard work it paid off and the project was a success.
Q: I see that you also work as a graphic designer, what pushed you to embark on a “double road”?
A: I’ve been working as a graphic designer since high school, so when it was time to choose what I wanted to study for my first degree, I decided to branch out and choose somthing different. Industrial design gave me a chance to get to know the 3D world better and opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at design.
Q: I’m literally in love with Cerametal! Tell us what it is.
A: CeraMetal is my final project for my industrial design degree. It’s a research project which examined different techniques of combining metal powders and ceramics. The two materials were combined due to their similar processing methods andheating temperatures. After examining many different techniques and materials, two of them were chosen due to their unique organic aesthetic.
The first uses magnets to shape iron powder resulting in fascinating forms that look as if taken from an underwater scene. Although seeming fragile to the touch, these shapes are strong thanks to the ceramic material. The orange color comes from the corrosion of the iron powder and gives this technique an even more organic feel.
The second example involves melting of copper powder. This technique gives the ceramic an eroded effect as the melted copper melts the ceramic and slightly changes its original shape.
Each technique is demonstrated on a series of objects showing its versatility.
Q: How did you get the idea to combine two different materials?
A: I knew I wanted to work with metal powder for my final project since I was curious what can be done with this material. Since I’ve worked with this material before on a different design (here) I wanted to take it to a new level, so I decided to combine it with another material in order to create a new material altogether with its own unique qualities.
Q: How much research did you face to get a similar result?
A: The main part of this project was the research. When you work on a material based project you never know what the end result will be. I didn’t even know if the combination of the materials would bring out something interesting. In total I created over 200 material tests before continuing to the final design of the different vessels which in itself is a whole other research proccess.
Q: What will you want to design when you grow up? Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
A: Hopefully with my own design studio creating beautiful objects.
Q: What advice would you give to a very young student who wants to become a designer?
A: Be brave, do things you’ve never done before, never stay in your comfort zone. Only that way you will be able to learn new things and become a better designer.
Visitate il sito della designer per vedere i suoi progetti: einatkir.wix.com